Useful Tree Species for Eastern Africa
a species selection tool based on the VECEA Map
This Wiki contains fact sheets of the potential natural vegetation types (PNVs) found in eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi and Zambia). The information is a summary of the information provided in a seven volume series that document the potential natural vegetation map developed by the VECEA project
Vegetation types grouped by physiognomy
Forest vegetation types
- Fa Afromontane rain forest
- Fb Afromontane undifferentiated forest
- Fc Afromontane single-dominant Widdringtonia whytei forest
- Fd Afromontane single-dominant Hagenia abyssinica forest
- Fe Afromontane moist transitional forest
- Ff Lake Victoria transitional rain forest
- Fg Zanzibar-Inhambane transitional rain forest
- Fh Afromontane dry transitional forest
- Fi Lake Victoria drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rain forest
- Fm Zambezian dry evergreen forest
- Fn Zambezian dry deciduous forest and scrub forest
- Fo Zanzibar-Inhambane lowland rain forest
- Fp Zanzibar-Inhambane undifferentiated forest
- Fq Zanzibar-Inhambane scrub forest
- Ft Lake Victoria Strychnos potatorum scrub forest
- fc Zanzibar-Inhambane scrub forest on coral rag
- fe Lake Victoria Euphorbia dawei scrub forest
- fr Riverine forests
- fs Swamp forests
Woodland and wooded grassland vegetation types
- R Riverine wooded vegetation (compound of fr, wr and br)
- Wb Vitellaria wooded grassland
- Wc Combretum wooded grassland
- Wd Acacia-Commiphora deciduous wooded grassland
- We Upland Acacia wooded grassland
- Wk Kalahari woodland
- Wm Miombo woodland
- Wn North Zambezian undifferentiated woodland
- Wo Mopane woodland and scrub woodland
- Wt Terminalia sericea woodland
- Wv Vitex-Phyllanthus-Sapium-Terminalia and Terminalia glaucescens woodlands
- Wy Chipya woodland and wooded grassland
- P Palm wooded grasslands
- wd Edaphic wooded grassland
Bushland and thicket vegetation types
- B Afromontane bamboo
- Bd Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commiphora deciduous bushland and thicket
- Bds Acacia-Commiphora stunted bushland
- Be Evergreen and semi-evergreen bushland and thicket
- E Montane Ericaceous belt
- T Termitaria vegetation
- bi Itigi thicket (edaphic vegetation type)
- br Riverine thicket
Other vegetation types
- A Afroalpine vegetation
- CM Coastal mosaic
- D Desert
- Da Afromontane desert
- G Grassland
- L Lowland bamboo
- M Mangrove
- S Somalia-Masai semi-desert grassland and shrubland
- X Freshwater swamp
- g Edaphic grassland on drainage-impeded or seasonally flooded soils
- gv Edaphic grassland on volcanic soils
- Z Halophytic vegetation
Vegetation types alphabetic order
- A Afroalpine vegetation
- B Afromontane bamboo
- Bds Acacia-Commiphora stunted bushland
- Bd Somalia-Masai Acacia-Commiphora deciduous bushland and thicket
- Be Evergreen and semi-evergreen bushland and thicket
- bi Itigi thicket (edaphic vegetation type)
- br Riverine thicket
- CM Coastal mosaic
- Da Afromontane desert
- D Desert
- E Montane Ericaceous belt
- Fa Afromontane rain forest
- Fb Afromontane undifferentiated forest
- Fc Afromontane single-dominant Widdringtonia whytei forest
- fc Zanzibar-Inhambane scrub forest on coral rag
- Fd Afromontane single-dominant Hagenia abyssinica forest
- Fe Afromontane moist transitional forest
- fe Lake Victoria Euphorbia dawei scrub forest
- Ff Lake Victoria transitional rain forest
- Fg Zanzibar-Inhambane transitional rain forest
- Fh Afromontane dry transitional forest
- Fi Lake Victoria drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rain forest
- Fm Zambezian dry evergreen forest
- Fn Zambezian dry deciduous forest and scrub forest
- Fo Zanzibar-Inhambane lowland rain forest
- Fp Zanzibar-Inhambane undifferentiated forest
- Fq Zanzibar-Inhambane scrub forest
- fr Riverine forests
- fs Swamp forests
- Ft Lake Victoria Strychnos potatorum scrub forest
- g Edaphic grassland on drainage-impeded or seasonally flooded soils
- G Grassland
- gv Edaphic grassland on volcanic soils
- L Lowland bamboo
- M Mangrove
- P Palm wooded grasslands
- R Riverine wooded vegetation (compound of fr, wr and br)
- S Somalia-Masai semi-desert grassland and shrubland
- T Termitaria vegetation
- Wb Vitellaria wooded grassland
- Wc Combretum wooded grassland
- Wcd dry Combretum wooded grassland
- Wcm moist Combretum wooded grassland
- Wd Acacia-Commiphora deciduous wooded grassland
- wd Edaphic wooded grassland
- We Upland Acacia wooded grassland
- Wk Kalahari woodland
- Wmd Drier Miombo woodland
- Wm Miombo woodland
- Wmr Miombo woodland on hills and rocky outcrops
- Wmt Zanzibar-Inhambane transition woodland
- Wmw Wetter Miombo woodland
- Wn North Zambezian undifferentiated woodland
- Wo Mopane woodland and scrub woodland
- Wt Terminalia sericea woodland
- Wv Vitex-Phyllanthus-Sapium-Terminalia and Terminalia glaucescens woodlands
- Wy Chipya woodland and wooded grassland
- X Freshwater swamp
- Z Halophytic vegetation