Useful Tree Species for Eastern Africa

a species selection tool based on the VECEA Map

Afromontane desert (Da)


Note: synonym of Ad
Areas covered with rock or snow on mountain peaks were the differences in soil characteristics (such as soil colour) are more conspicuous than the vegetation itself and where the individual plants are never abundant enough in large enough areas to justify the classification of the vegetation as another physiognomic vegetation type such as grassland or shrubland.

Conservation status

The table shows the area (km2) of the vegetation type and the percentage of this area explicitly designated for biodiversity, species or landscape protection (A) and areas designated for both protection and sustainable use objectives (B). Only the nationally designated protected areas were included.

PNV Area (km2) A (%) B (%)
Ad 184 100.00 0.00

A) Include the IUCN categories I - IV; B) Include the IUCN categories V - VI and the protected areas without IUCN classification. Read more


Species selection tool
Other vegetation types

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