Useful Tree Species for Eastern Africa

a species selection tool based on the VECEA Map

Edaphic grassland on drainage-impeded or seasonally flooded soils (edaphic vegetation type, g)


Within the VECEA map, we loosely defined “edaphic grassland” as “edaphic grassland with a very low density of scattered woody species”. White (1983) used a threshold value of 10% woody cover to distinguish between grasslands and woody grasslands. In contrast, Pratt et al. 1966 defined grasslands as "land dominated by grasses and occasionally other herbs; sometimes with widely scattered or grouped trees and shrubs, the canopy cover of which does not exceed 2%".

For the regional map, all areas classified as (edaphic) wooded grasslands on the national maps were classified as such on the regional map as well. For the areas mapped as grasslands or areas which classification was ambiguous on the national maps, we used the average woody vegetation cover estimates by the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields collection (version 5) [1] for the 2000-2010 period to distinguish between grasslands and woody grasslands. All areas with a estimated tree cover > 10% were classified as edaphic woody grasslands (wd) and the remainder as edaphic grasslands.

Although White (1983) described edaphic grasslands separately for the various floristic regions, we did not apply a floristic classification system to edaphic grasslands in the VECEA map.

  1. Gachathi 2008; Figure 12.1 in VECEA Volume 5

Plant species

The main species recorded to occur within this vegetation type are listed below. Clicking the name of any of these species will open the page for that species on the Agroforestry Species Switchboard. Between brackets the English vernacular name of the species and the documented country distribution of the species (B=Burundi, E=Ethiopia, K=Kenya, M=Malawi, R=Rwanda, T=Tanzania, U=Uganda, Z=Zambia) is provided.

Based on information on species presence in national manifestations of vegetation types, each species was classified as a regionally dominant, characteristic, present or marginal species for a vegetation type (Read more ...)

For more detailed information about the species occurrences see this excel workbook. It provides country specific information on species composition for this vegetation type. It also allows you to select a subset of useful tree species to provide desired products and services. For each species links to a number of websites / databases with information about this species are provided as well.

Conservation status

The table shows the area (km2) of the vegetation type and the percentage of this area explicitly designated for biodiversity, species or landscape protection (A) and areas designated for both protection and sustainable use objectives (B). Only the nationally designated protected areas were included.

PNV Area (km2) A (%) B (%)
Bd/g 3,050 0.00 33.50
g 48,865 10.60 6.70
g/P 667 7.60 1.80
g/T 18,436 17.20 25.40
g/Wk 8,862 4.80 64.60
g/X 139,540 7.60 28.80
Wn/g 126,864 18.70 15.60

A) Include the IUCN categories I - IV; B) Include the IUCN categories V - VI and the protected areas without IUCN classification. Read more


Species selection tool
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