Useful Tree Species for Eastern Africa
a species selection tool based on the VECEA Map
Lake Victoria drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rain forest (Fi)
White (1983 p. 46) defined semi-evergreen forests as forests where some canopy species are briefly deciduous, but not necessarily at the same time, and most members of the understorey are evergreen.
The Lake Victoria regional mosaic consists of floristically impoverished variants of the characteristic vegetation types of the Guineo-Congolian, Sudanian, Zambezian and Somalia-Masai regional centres of endemism, sometimes with an admixture from Afromontane species (White 1983 p. 181). Lake Victoria drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rain forest is therefore expected to be a floristically impoverished variant of drier peripheral semi-evergreen Guineo-Congolian rain forests described for the Guineo-Congolian region (White 1983 p. 79).
Plant species
The main species recorded to occur within this vegetation type are listed below. Clicking the name of any of these species will open the page for that species on the Agroforestry Species Switchboard. Between brackets the English vernacular name of the species and the documented country distribution of the species (B=Burundi, E=Ethiopia, K=Kenya, M=Malawi, R=Rwanda, T=Tanzania, U=Uganda, Z=Zambia) is provided.
Based on information on species presence in national manifestations of vegetation types, each species was classified as a regionally dominant, characteristic, present or marginal species for a vegetation type (Read more ...)
- Dominant - if the regional documentation classified the species as dominant.
- Characteristic - if the species was documented to be characteristic for at least half of all the national manifestations of the vegetation type and if the species was characteristic in at least two national manifestations of the vegetation type. Species were always classified as characteristic if the species was a regional indicator or regional characteristic species for the vegetation type.
- Present - if the species was documented to be characteristic in at least one of the national manifestations of the vegetation type or if the species was documented to be present in a least half of all the national manifestations of the vegetation type. Species that were already listed as characteristic were excluded.
- Marginal distribution - if some of the national documentation listed the species, but where the species was not included as characteristic or present.
- Characteristic species Albizia grandibracteata (Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Alstonia boonei (Cheesewood, EU), Antiaris toxicaria (False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis adolfi-friderici (African ita, U), Celtis africana (White stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Celtis gomphophylla (Bastard white stinkwood, EKMRTUZ), Celtis mildbraedii (Red-fruited white stinkwood, KTU), Celtis philippensis (EKTU), Celtis zenkeri (BETU), Chrysophyllum albidum (White star apple, KMU), Cynometra alexandri (Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Entandrophragma angolense (Budongo mahogany, KTU), Entandrophragma cylindricum (Sapelli mahogany, U), Entandrophragma utile (Budongo heavy mahogany, U), Holoptelea grandis (Orange-barked terminalia, U), Khaya anthotheca (Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Khaya grandifoliola (Big-leaf mahogany, U), Maesopsis eminii (Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Mildbraediodendron excelsum (U), Milicia excelsa (Mvule, BEKMRTU), Morus mesozygia (Uganda mulberry, EKMTUZ), Piptadeniastrum africanum (African greenheart, U), Pouteria altissima (Aningeria, EKRTUZ), Pycnanthus angolensis (African nutmeg, BTUZ)
- Species present Albizia coriaria (BEKTUZ), Albizia glaberrima (White Nongo, KMTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Albizia zygia (West African albizia, BKRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (KTU), Blighia unijugata (Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Bombax buonopozense (Wild silk cotton, U), Canarium schweinfurthii (African elemi, ETUZ), Chrysophyllum gorungosanum (BKMRTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (BKMRTUZ), Diospyros abyssinica (Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Entandrophragma excelsum (BMRTUZ), Erythrophleum suaveolens (Sasswood tree, KMTUZ), Fagaropsis angolensis (EKMRTUZ), Ficus mucuso (EKTU), Funtumia africana (Bush rubber, KMTU), Funtumia elastica (African wild rubber, U), Lovoa swynnertonii (Brown mahogany, KTU), Lovoa trichilioides (Brown mahogany, RTU), Margaritaria discoidea (Bushveld peacock-berry, BEKMTUZ), Markhamia lutea (BEKRTU), Mimusops bagshawei (KRTU), Myrianthus arboreus (Bush pineapple, BEMTU), Newtonia buchananii (East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ), Olea capensis (Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Parinari excelsa (Rough-skinned plum, BMRTUZ), Polyscias fulva (Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Pseudospondias microcarpa (BKRTUZ), Pterygota mildbraedii (Mubende witch tree, RTUZ), Schrebera arborea (KU), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Strombosia scheffleri (BKMRTU), Strychnos mitis (Pitted-leaf strychnos, EKMTU), Symphonia globulifera (Hog gum, BRTUZ), Synsepalum brevipes (KMTUZ), Trichilia dregeana (Cape mahogany, EKMTUZ), Trilepisium madagascariense (EKMRTUZ), Uapaca guineensis (Sugar plum, BMTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia auriculifera (BEKRTU), Warburgia ugandensis (East African greenheart, EKMTU)
- Marginal species (occurrence less certain) Beilschmiedia ugandensis (KTUZ), Cassipourea ruwensorensis (BEKRTU), Clausena anisata (Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ), Dombeya kirkii (EKMRTUZ), Dracaena fragrans (Dragon tree, EKMRTU), Erythrina excelsa (BKTUZ), Flueggea virosa (Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Fleroya stipulosa (African linden, MUZ), Harrisonia abyssinica (BEKMRTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (EKTU), Maesa lanceolata (False Assegai, BEKMRTUZ), Manilkara dawei (TU), Morinda lucida (Brimstone tree, TUZ), Nauclea diderrichii (Brimstone tree, U), Pleiocarpa pycnantha (KRTUZ), Pterolobium stellatum (Redwing, EKMRTUZ), Raphia farinifera (Raffia palm, KMTUZ), Rauvolfia vomitoria (African serpent wood, TU), Scutia myrtina (BEKMRTUZ), Tabernaemontana pachysiphon (BKMTUZ), Trema orientalis (Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ), Xylopia aethiopica (Ethiopian pepper, KTUZ), Zanthoxylum gilletii (East African satinwood, EKRTU)
Products and environmental services of tree species
Documented products and environmental services for the tree species occurring in this vegetation type (Fi) are listed below. Clicking the name of any of these species will open the page for that species on the Agroforestry Species Switchboard. Between brackets information is given on the status of each species ('dom' indicates dominant species, 'cha' characteristic species, 'pre' other species and 'mar' species of marginal occurrence), the English vernacular name of the species and the documented country distribution of the species (B=Burundi, E=Ethiopia, K=Kenya, M=Malawi, R=Rwanda, T=Tanzania, U=Uganda, Z=Zambia).
- Firewood Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Alstonia boonei (Cha, Cheesewood, EU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis africana (Cha, White stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Celtis gomphophylla (Cha, Bastard white stinkwood, EKMRTUZ), Celtis mildbraedii (Cha, Red-fruited white stinkwood, KTU), Chrysophyllum albidum (Cha, White star apple, KMU), Cynometra alexandri (Cha, Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Entandrophragma angolense (Cha, Budongo mahogany, KTU), Entandrophragma cylindricum (Cha, Sapelli mahogany, U), Entandrophragma utile (Cha, Budongo heavy mahogany, U), Holoptelea grandis (Cha, Orange-barked terminalia, U), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Khaya grandifoliola (Cha, Big-leaf mahogany, U), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Mildbraediodendron excelsum (Cha, U), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Morus mesozygia (Cha, Uganda mulberry, EKMTUZ), Piptadeniastrum africanum (Cha, African greenheart, U), Pouteria altissima (Cha, Aningeria, EKRTUZ), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia glaberrima (Pre, White Nongo, KMTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Albizia zygia (Pre, West African albizia, BKRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Blighia unijugata (Pre, Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Canarium schweinfurthii (Pre, African elemi, ETUZ), Chrysophyllum gorungosanum (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Diospyros abyssinica (Pre, Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Entandrophragma excelsum (Pre, BMRTUZ), Erythrophleum suaveolens (Pre, Sasswood tree, KMTUZ), Fagaropsis angolensis (Pre, EKMRTUZ), Ficus mucuso (Pre, EKTU), Funtumia africana (Pre, Bush rubber, KMTU), Funtumia elastica (Pre, African wild rubber, U), Lovoa swynnertonii (Pre, Brown mahogany, KTU), Lovoa trichilioides (Pre, Brown mahogany, RTU), Margaritaria discoidea (Pre, Bushveld peacock-berry, BEKMTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Mimusops bagshawei (Pre, KRTU), Newtonia buchananii (Pre, East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Parinari excelsa (Pre, Rough-skinned plum, BMRTUZ), Polyscias fulva (Pre, Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Pseudospondias microcarpa (Pre, BKRTUZ), Pterygota mildbraedii (Pre, Mubende witch tree, RTUZ), Schrebera arborea (Pre, KU), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Strombosia scheffleri (Pre, BKMRTU), Strychnos mitis (Pre, Pitted-leaf strychnos, EKMTU), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Synsepalum brevipes (Pre, KMTUZ), Trichilia dregeana (Pre, Cape mahogany, EKMTUZ), Trilepisium madagascariense (Pre, EKMRTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia auriculifera (Pre, BEKRTU), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Beilschmiedia ugandensis (Mar, KTUZ), Cassipourea ruwensorensis (Mar, BEKRTU), Clausena anisata (Mar, Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ), Dombeya kirkii (Mar, EKMRTUZ), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Fleroya stipulosa (Mar, African linden, MUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Maesa lanceolata (Mar, False Assegai, BEKMRTUZ), Manilkara dawei (Mar, TU), Morinda lucida (Mar, Brimstone tree, TUZ), Pleiocarpa pycnantha (Mar, KRTUZ), Pterolobium stellatum (Mar, Redwing, EKMRTUZ), Rauvolfia vomitoria (Mar, African serpent wood, TU), Tabernaemontana pachysiphon (Mar, BKMTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ), Xylopia aethiopica (Mar, Ethiopian pepper, KTUZ), Zanthoxylum gilletii (Mar, East African satinwood, EKRTU)
- Charcoal Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis africana (Cha, White stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Celtis gomphophylla (Cha, Bastard white stinkwood, EKMRTUZ), Celtis mildbraedii (Cha, Red-fruited white stinkwood, KTU), Chrysophyllum albidum (Cha, White star apple, KMU), Cynometra alexandri (Cha, Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Entandrophragma angolense (Cha, Budongo mahogany, KTU), Entandrophragma cylindricum (Cha, Sapelli mahogany, U), Entandrophragma utile (Cha, Budongo heavy mahogany, U), Holoptelea grandis (Cha, Orange-barked terminalia, U), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Khaya grandifoliola (Cha, Big-leaf mahogany, U), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Mildbraediodendron excelsum (Cha, U), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Morus mesozygia (Cha, Uganda mulberry, EKMTUZ), Piptadeniastrum africanum (Cha, African greenheart, U), Pouteria altissima (Cha, Aningeria, EKRTUZ), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia glaberrima (Pre, White Nongo, KMTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Albizia zygia (Pre, West African albizia, BKRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Blighia unijugata (Pre, Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Canarium schweinfurthii (Pre, African elemi, ETUZ), Chrysophyllum gorungosanum (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Diospyros abyssinica (Pre, Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Entandrophragma excelsum (Pre, BMRTUZ), Erythrophleum suaveolens (Pre, Sasswood tree, KMTUZ), Funtumia africana (Pre, Bush rubber, KMTU), Funtumia elastica (Pre, African wild rubber, U), Lovoa swynnertonii (Pre, Brown mahogany, KTU), Lovoa trichilioides (Pre, Brown mahogany, RTU), Margaritaria discoidea (Pre, Bushveld peacock-berry, BEKMTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Mimusops bagshawei (Pre, KRTU), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Parinari excelsa (Pre, Rough-skinned plum, BMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Pseudospondias microcarpa (Pre, BKRTUZ), Pterygota mildbraedii (Pre, Mubende witch tree, RTUZ), Schrebera arborea (Pre, KU), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Strombosia scheffleri (Pre, BKMRTU), Strychnos mitis (Pre, Pitted-leaf strychnos, EKMTU), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Synsepalum brevipes (Pre, KMTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Beilschmiedia ugandensis (Mar, KTUZ), Cassipourea ruwensorensis (Mar, BEKRTU), Clausena anisata (Mar, Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ), Dombeya kirkii (Mar, EKMRTUZ), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Fleroya stipulosa (Mar, African linden, MUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Maesa lanceolata (Mar, False Assegai, BEKMRTUZ), Manilkara dawei (Mar, TU), Morinda lucida (Mar, Brimstone tree, TUZ), Tabernaemontana pachysiphon (Mar, BKMTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ), Xylopia aethiopica (Mar, Ethiopian pepper, KTUZ), Zanthoxylum gilletii (Mar, East African satinwood, EKRTU)
- Timber, Furniture, Construction Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Alstonia boonei (Cha, Cheesewood, EU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis africana (Cha, White stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Celtis gomphophylla (Cha, Bastard white stinkwood, EKMRTUZ), Celtis mildbraedii (Cha, Red-fruited white stinkwood, KTU), Chrysophyllum albidum (Cha, White star apple, KMU), Cynometra alexandri (Cha, Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Entandrophragma angolense (Cha, Budongo mahogany, KTU), Entandrophragma cylindricum (Cha, Sapelli mahogany, U), Entandrophragma utile (Cha, Budongo heavy mahogany, U), Holoptelea grandis (Cha, Orange-barked terminalia, U), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Khaya grandifoliola (Cha, Big-leaf mahogany, U), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Mildbraediodendron excelsum (Cha, U), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Morus mesozygia (Cha, Uganda mulberry, EKMTUZ), Piptadeniastrum africanum (Cha, African greenheart, U), Pouteria altissima (Cha, Aningeria, EKRTUZ), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia glaberrima (Pre, White Nongo, KMTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Albizia zygia (Pre, West African albizia, BKRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Blighia unijugata (Pre, Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Canarium schweinfurthii (Pre, African elemi, ETUZ), Chrysophyllum gorungosanum (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Diospyros abyssinica (Pre, Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Entandrophragma excelsum (Pre, BMRTUZ), Erythrophleum suaveolens (Pre, Sasswood tree, KMTUZ), Fagaropsis angolensis (Pre, EKMRTUZ), Ficus mucuso (Pre, EKTU), Funtumia africana (Pre, Bush rubber, KMTU), Lovoa swynnertonii (Pre, Brown mahogany, KTU), Lovoa trichilioides (Pre, Brown mahogany, RTU), Margaritaria discoidea (Pre, Bushveld peacock-berry, BEKMTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Mimusops bagshawei (Pre, KRTU), Newtonia buchananii (Pre, East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Parinari excelsa (Pre, Rough-skinned plum, BMRTUZ), Polyscias fulva (Pre, Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Pterygota mildbraedii (Pre, Mubende witch tree, RTUZ), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Strombosia scheffleri (Pre, BKMRTU), Strychnos mitis (Pre, Pitted-leaf strychnos, EKMTU), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Synsepalum brevipes (Pre, KMTUZ), Trichilia dregeana (Pre, Cape mahogany, EKMTUZ), Trilepisium madagascariense (Pre, EKMRTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Beilschmiedia ugandensis (Mar, KTUZ), Cassipourea ruwensorensis (Mar, BEKRTU), Dombeya kirkii (Mar, EKMRTUZ), Erythrina excelsa (Mar, BKTUZ), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Fleroya stipulosa (Mar, African linden, MUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Morinda lucida (Mar, Brimstone tree, TUZ), Nauclea diderrichii (Mar, Brimstone tree, U), Zanthoxylum gilletii (Mar, East African satinwood, EKRTU)
- Poles, Posts Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis mildbraedii (Cha, Red-fruited white stinkwood, KTU), Cynometra alexandri (Cha, Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia zygia (Pre, West African albizia, BKRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Blighia unijugata (Pre, Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Diospyros abyssinica (Pre, Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Margaritaria discoidea (Pre, Bushveld peacock-berry, BEKMTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Polyscias fulva (Pre, Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Strychnos mitis (Pre, Pitted-leaf strychnos, EKMTU), Synsepalum brevipes (Pre, KMTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Cassipourea ruwensorensis (Mar, BEKRTU), Clausena anisata (Mar, Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ), Dombeya kirkii (Mar, EKMRTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Manilkara dawei (Mar, TU), Nauclea diderrichii (Mar, Brimstone tree, U), Pleiocarpa pycnantha (Mar, KRTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Xylopia aethiopica (Mar, Ethiopian pepper, KTUZ)
- Flooring, Panelling Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Holoptelea grandis (Cha, Orange-barked terminalia, U), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Khaya grandifoliola (Cha, Big-leaf mahogany, U), Mildbraediodendron excelsum (Cha, U), Morus mesozygia (Cha, Uganda mulberry, EKMTUZ), Pouteria altissima (Cha, Aningeria, EKRTUZ), Blighia unijugata (Pre, Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Fagaropsis angolensis (Pre, EKMRTUZ), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU)
- Beehives
- Veneer, Plywood Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Entandrophragma angolense (Cha, Budongo mahogany, KTU), Entandrophragma cylindricum (Cha, Sapelli mahogany, U), Entandrophragma utile (Cha, Budongo heavy mahogany, U), Holoptelea grandis (Cha, Orange-barked terminalia, U), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Khaya grandifoliola (Cha, Big-leaf mahogany, U), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Pouteria altissima (Cha, Aningeria, EKRTUZ), Canarium schweinfurthii (Pre, African elemi, ETUZ), Entandrophragma excelsum (Pre, BMRTUZ), Lovoa swynnertonii (Pre, Brown mahogany, KTU), Lovoa trichilioides (Pre, Brown mahogany, RTU), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Polyscias fulva (Pre, Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Trilepisium madagascariense (Pre, EKMRTUZ)
- Tools, Tool handles, Shafts Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Alstonia boonei (Cha, Cheesewood, EU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis africana (Cha, White stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Chrysophyllum albidum (Cha, White star apple, KMU), Cynometra alexandri (Cha, Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Chrysophyllum gorungosanum (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Diospyros abyssinica (Pre, Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Mimusops bagshawei (Pre, KRTU), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Parinari excelsa (Pre, Rough-skinned plum, BMRTUZ), Schrebera arborea (Pre, KU), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Pleiocarpa pycnantha (Mar, KRTUZ)
- Carvings, Utensils, Walking stick, Bow, Arrow Alstonia boonei (Cha, Cheesewood, EU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Diospyros abyssinica (Pre, Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Ficus mucuso (Pre, EKTU), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Mimusops bagshawei (Pre, KRTU), Polyscias fulva (Pre, Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Pterygota mildbraedii (Pre, Mubende witch tree, RTUZ), Strombosia scheffleri (Pre, BKMRTU), Synsepalum brevipes (Pre, KMTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Erythrina excelsa (Mar, BKTUZ), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU)
- Boat building Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Piptadeniastrum africanum (Cha, African greenheart, U), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Lovoa trichilioides (Pre, Brown mahogany, RTU), Newtonia buchananii (Pre, East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ), Beilschmiedia ugandensis (Mar, KTUZ)
- Farm implements Celtis africana (Cha, White stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Diospyros abyssinica (Pre, Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ)
Human consumption
- Edible fruit, Edible nut, Edible seed Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Chrysophyllum albidum (Cha, White star apple, KMU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Canarium schweinfurthii (Pre, African elemi, ETUZ), Chrysophyllum gorungosanum (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Parinari excelsa (Pre, Rough-skinned plum, BMRTUZ), Pseudospondias microcarpa (Pre, BKRTUZ), Synsepalum brevipes (Pre, KMTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Beilschmiedia ugandensis (Mar, KTUZ), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Scutia myrtina (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
- Vegetable, Edible leaves, Edible roots
- Seasoning, Flavouring Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Maesa lanceolata (Mar, False Assegai, BEKMRTUZ)
- Drink, Soup Blighia unijugata (Pre, Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Clausena anisata (Mar, Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ)
- Edible oil, Edible gum, Edible inner bark
- Medicine Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Alstonia boonei (Cha, Cheesewood, EU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis gomphophylla (Cha, Bastard white stinkwood, EKMRTUZ), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Blighia unijugata (Pre, Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Margaritaria discoidea (Pre, Bushveld peacock-berry, BEKMTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Polyscias fulva (Pre, Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Pseudospondias microcarpa (Pre, BKRTUZ), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Clausena anisata (Mar, Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ), Dracaena fragrans (Mar, Dragon tree, EKMRTU), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Harrisonia abyssinica (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Maesa lanceolata (Mar, False Assegai, BEKMRTUZ), Pleiocarpa pycnantha (Mar, KRTUZ), Rauvolfia vomitoria (Mar, African serpent wood, TU), Scutia myrtina (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ), Zanthoxylum gilletii (Mar, East African satinwood, EKRTU)
Animal consumption
- Fodder Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis africana (Cha, White stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Morus mesozygia (Cha, Uganda mulberry, EKMTUZ), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia glaberrima (Pre, White Nongo, KMTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Mimusops bagshawei (Pre, KRTU), Newtonia buchananii (Pre, East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Pterolobium stellatum (Mar, Redwing, EKMRTUZ), Scutia myrtina (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
- Bee forage Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Cynometra alexandri (Cha, Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Balanites wilsoniana (Pre, KTU), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Parinari excelsa (Pre, Rough-skinned plum, BMRTUZ), Polyscias fulva (Pre, Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Clausena anisata (Mar, Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ), Harrisonia abyssinica (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Pleiocarpa pycnantha (Mar, KRTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
Environmental services
- Shade Alstonia boonei (Cha, Cheesewood, EU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis africana (Cha, White stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Celtis gomphophylla (Cha, Bastard white stinkwood, EKMRTUZ), Celtis mildbraedii (Cha, Red-fruited white stinkwood, KTU), Entandrophragma angolense (Cha, Budongo mahogany, KTU), Entandrophragma cylindricum (Cha, Sapelli mahogany, U), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Khaya grandifoliola (Cha, Big-leaf mahogany, U), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Mildbraediodendron excelsum (Cha, U), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Morus mesozygia (Cha, Uganda mulberry, EKMTUZ), Piptadeniastrum africanum (Cha, African greenheart, U), Pouteria altissima (Cha, Aningeria, EKRTUZ), Pycnanthus angolensis (Cha, African nutmeg, BTUZ), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia glaberrima (Pre, White Nongo, KMTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Albizia zygia (Pre, West African albizia, BKRTU), Blighia unijugata (Pre, Triangle tops, BEKMRTUZ), Canarium schweinfurthii (Pre, African elemi, ETUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Diospyros abyssinica (Pre, Giant diospyros, EKMRTUZ), Erythrophleum suaveolens (Pre, Sasswood tree, KMTUZ), Ficus mucuso (Pre, EKTU), Funtumia elastica (Pre, African wild rubber, U), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Mimusops bagshawei (Pre, KRTU), Newtonia buchananii (Pre, East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ), Parinari excelsa (Pre, Rough-skinned plum, BMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Pterygota mildbraedii (Pre, Mubende witch tree, RTUZ), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Strombosia scheffleri (Pre, BKMRTU), Strychnos mitis (Pre, Pitted-leaf strychnos, EKMTU), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Synsepalum brevipes (Pre, KMTUZ), Trichilia dregeana (Pre, Cape mahogany, EKMTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Cassipourea ruwensorensis (Mar, BEKRTU), Erythrina excelsa (Mar, BKTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Manilkara dawei (Mar, TU), Nauclea diderrichii (Mar, Brimstone tree, U), Pleiocarpa pycnantha (Mar, KRTUZ), Rauvolfia vomitoria (Mar, African serpent wood, TU), Scutia myrtina (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Tabernaemontana pachysiphon (Mar, BKMTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ)
- Ornamental, Avenue tree Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis mildbraedii (Cha, Red-fruited white stinkwood, KTU), Cynometra alexandri (Cha, Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Entandrophragma angolense (Cha, Budongo mahogany, KTU), Entandrophragma cylindricum (Cha, Sapelli mahogany, U), Holoptelea grandis (Cha, Orange-barked terminalia, U), Khaya anthotheca (Cha, Smooth-barked mahogany, KMTUZ), Khaya grandifoliola (Cha, Big-leaf mahogany, U), Maesopsis eminii (Cha, Umbrella tree, BKRTUZ), Mildbraediodendron excelsum (Cha, U), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Morus mesozygia (Cha, Uganda mulberry, EKMTUZ), Pouteria altissima (Cha, Aningeria, EKRTUZ), Pycnanthus angolensis (Cha, African nutmeg, BTUZ), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Albizia zygia (Pre, West African albizia, BKRTU), Bombax buonopozense (Pre, Wild silk cotton, U), Canarium schweinfurthii (Pre, African elemi, ETUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Entandrophragma excelsum (Pre, BMRTUZ), Erythrophleum suaveolens (Pre, Sasswood tree, KMTUZ), Funtumia elastica (Pre, African wild rubber, U), Lovoa trichilioides (Pre, Brown mahogany, RTU), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Newtonia buchananii (Pre, East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Pterygota mildbraedii (Pre, Mubende witch tree, RTUZ), Shirakiopsis elliptica (Pre, Jumping seed tree, EKMRTUZ), Strychnos mitis (Pre, Pitted-leaf strychnos, EKMTU), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Dracaena fragrans (Mar, Dragon tree, EKMRTU), Erythrina excelsa (Mar, BKTUZ), Harrisonia abyssinica (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Morinda lucida (Mar, Brimstone tree, TUZ), Nauclea diderrichii (Mar, Brimstone tree, U), Pleiocarpa pycnantha (Mar, KRTUZ), Pterolobium stellatum (Mar, Redwing, EKMRTUZ), Rauvolfia vomitoria (Mar, African serpent wood, TU), Tabernaemontana pachysiphon (Mar, BKMTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
- Mulch Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Newtonia buchananii (Pre, East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ), Polyscias fulva (Pre, Parasol tree, BEKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Synsepalum brevipes (Pre, KMTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
- Nitrogen fixation Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Albizia glaberrima (Pre, White Nongo, KMTUZ), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Albizia zygia (Pre, West African albizia, BKRTU), Newtonia buchananii (Pre, East African newtonia, BKMRTUZ)
- Soil conservation, Soil improvement Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Celtis gomphophylla (Cha, Bastard white stinkwood, EKMRTUZ), Cynometra alexandri (Cha, Uganda Ironwood, BTU), Khaya grandifoliola (Cha, Big-leaf mahogany, U), Mildbraediodendron excelsum (Cha, U), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Albizia gummifera (Pre, Peacock flower, BEKMRTU), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Pseudospondias microcarpa (Pre, BKRTUZ), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Vernonia auriculifera (Pre, BEKRTU), Fleroya stipulosa (Mar, African linden, MUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
- River bank, Sand stabilization
Other products
- Windbreak Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Lannea welwitschii (Mar, EKTU)
- Fibre, Weaving, Rope Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Bombax buonopozense (Pre, Wild silk cotton, U), Raphia farinifera (Mar, Raffia palm, KMTUZ)
- Thatch, Roofing, Mats, Baskets
- Resin, Gum, Glue, Latex Canarium schweinfurthii (Pre, African elemi, ETUZ), Funtumia elastica (Pre, African wild rubber, U), Symphonia globulifera (Pre, Hog gum, BRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Tabernaemontana pachysiphon (Mar, BKMTUZ)
- Tannin, Dye Trilepisium madagascariense (Pre, EKMRTUZ), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ), Morinda lucida (Mar, Brimstone tree, TUZ), Pterolobium stellatum (Mar, Redwing, EKMRTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ)
- Live fence, Dead fence Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Dracaena fragrans (Mar, Dragon tree, EKMRTU), Harrisonia abyssinica (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Maesa lanceolata (Mar, False Assegai, BEKMRTUZ), Pterolobium stellatum (Mar, Redwing, EKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
- Ceremonial Celtis gomphophylla (Cha, Bastard white stinkwood, EKMRTUZ), Milicia excelsa (Cha, Mvule, BEKMRTU), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Markhamia lutea (Pre, BEKRTU), Olea capensis (Pre, Elgon teak, EKMRTUZ), Dracaena fragrans (Mar, Dragon tree, EKMRTU), Flueggea virosa (Mar, Simpleleaf bushweed, BEKMRTUZ)
- Traditional uses
- Toothbrushes Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Bombax buonopozense (Pre, Wild silk cotton, U), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Clausena anisata (Mar, Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
- Boundary marking
- Veterinary medicine, Vermifuge Albizia coriaria (Pre, BEKTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Croton megalocarpus (Pre, BKMRTUZ), Prunus africana (Pre, Red stinkwood, BEKMRTUZ), Vepris nobilis (Pre, Small-fruited teclea, BEKMRTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Harrisonia abyssinica (Mar, BEKMRTUZ), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ), Vernonia amygdalina (Mar, Bitter leaf, BEKMRTUZ)
- Toxin, Insecticide, Repellent Antiaris toxicaria (Cha, False mvule, BEKRTUZ), Erythrophleum suaveolens (Pre, Sasswood tree, KMTUZ), Warburgia ugandensis (Pre, East African greenheart, EKMTU), Trema orientalis (Mar, Gunpowder tree, BEKMRTUZ)
- Cosmetic, Soap, Perfume, Oil Albizia grandibracteata (Cha, Large-leaved albizia, BEKRTU), Pycnanthus angolensis (Cha, African nutmeg, BTUZ), Croton macrostachyus (Pre, Broad-leaved croton, BEKMRTUZ), Clausena anisata (Mar, Horsewood, BEKMRTUZ)
For more detailed information about the species occurrences see this excel workbook. It provides country specific information on species composition for this vegetation type. It also allows you to select a subset of useful tree species to provide desired products and services. For each species links to a number of websites / databases with information about this species are provided as well.
Conservation status
The table shows the area (km2) of the vegetation type and the percentage of this area explicitly designated for biodiversity, species or landscape protection (A) and areas designated for both protection and sustainable use objectives (B). Only the nationally designated protected areas were included.
PNV | Area (km2) | A (%) | B (%) |
Fi | 48,223 | 4.60 | 9.50 |
A) Include the IUCN categories I - IV; B) Include the IUCN categories V - VI and the protected areas without IUCN classification. Read more
Species selection tool
Other vegetation types
Citation and terms of use
Click here for the full terms of use, disclaimer and errors and omissions statement that accompanies our data. When using our data, you agree with these terms.
Kindt R, van Breugel P, Orwa C, Lillesø JPB, Jamnadass R and Graudal L (2015) Useful tree species for Eastern Africa: a species selection tool based on the VECEA map. Version 2.0. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and Forest & Landscape Denmark. //
van Breugel P, Kindt R, Lillesø JPB, Bingham M, Demissew S, Dudley C, Friis I, Gachathi F, Kalema J, Mbago F, Moshi HN, Mulumba, J, Namaganda M, Ndangalasi HJ, Ruffo CK, Védaste M, Jamnadass R and Graudal L (2015) Potential Natural Vegetation Map of Eastern Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia). Version 2.0. Forest and Landscape (Denmark) and World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). URL: //
van Breugel P, Kindt R, Lillesø J-PB, van Breugel M (2015) Environmental Gap Analysis to Prioritize Conservation Efforts in Eastern Africa. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0121444. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121444
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